Big chances start small

Our association enables disadvantaged children
to lead a safer, more independent life

Our association is committed to providing basic education for disadvantaged children.

Many children are missing a real chance to
start a life that offers protection, security and independence. We can change this together with our commitment to education. Get involved!

We sincerely appreciate every donation, no matter how small, to give children a chance for the future.


Health starts with a safe environment, security and hygiene. What we take for granted is not the case for many poor, marginalized children. Education can only begin if protection is guaranteed.


Education starts with a pen and a simple piece of paper. We do everything we can to make education possible in our projects. Education is one of the keys to escaping poverty.


We are aware that in many countries, girls are at a disadvantage compared to boys. Our project also started as a project to support girls. But honestly, if a child needs help, it doesn't matter whether it's a boy or a girl.

An overview of our projects

We constantly support a wide variety of projects that are close to our hearts. If you would like to support us with a project, simply use the hashtag, which you can find under the project information, as a donation reference.

A teacher in front of a class, teaching young children

St. Catherine of Siena School -
Donation for education

St. Catherine of Siena School Mumbay is a school that gives hope to hundreds of street children. Support the teachers.

Katja Perotti-Kronenberg with her arm around a small indian girl

St. Catherine of Siena School –

Support one of the children directly to empower them on their way to independence.

Two boys crouching on the ground eating from metal plates

St. Catherine of Siena School -
Food donations

With food parcels you can make a major contribution to fighting undernourishment and malnutrition.

A young boy learning to write

Ashiyana - Safe home and education

Ashiyana creates safe spaces and positive relationships in children's homes for runaway, abandoned or at risk children.

A teacher in front of a group of women

ApneAap Womens Collective –Umeed  

Support women to leave the prostitution they have been
forced into.
Katja Perotti-Kronenberg with women from the ApneAap Womens Collective at the building entrance

ApneAap Womens Collective –Udaan

Help daughters of prostitutes escape the cycle of intergenerational prostitution.

There are many ways to help

Monthly donation

Instead of birthday presents, let your friends donate.

Come up with a crazy fundraising idea!

Donate directly online

The faces behind

Portrait of Katja Perotto-Kronenberg


Business economist

Helping to shape change processes is what drives me every day. Not only in my job, but also with the youngest children, who need our support the most. In addition to financial support, direct contact with local children is particularly important to me.

Portrait of Marion Endres



I am an entrepreneur and a fun person. I'm not interested in polishing my halo, I just want to make a difference so that a few more children in the world have the opportunity to go through life more carefree.

Portrait of Natalie Peter



I am a lawyer and a cheerful person. Just always talking about helping “you should do something” doesn't help, just do it. Many small donations and support together help to give children a future.

History Activity reports

Photo of a group of young children in front of a wall with selfamde drawings
Katja on the ground with a group of interested children

Donations via Raisenow

Donate with one click

Our donation account

For donations in CHF within switzerland
ZKB current account CHF
A/C Number: 1148-2469.355
IBAN CH59 0070 0114 8024 6935 5

For donations in EUR within or
outside switzerland

ZKB current account EUR
A/C Number: 1300-9133.844
IBAN CH59 0070 0130 0091 3384 4

Or donate directly via Twint QR Code (Scan QR Code in Twint App)
for a fee: 2.5% + CHF 0.25 per transaction

Twint App QR Code

Write to us if you have projects or ideas that we can support!

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